TITLE: Thanks for supporters/volunteers

SUBTITLE: We are trying to relieve suffering and national debt


I just want to offer my gratitude to the many readers of my newsletter who are subscribers, paying $32 a month, and some much more, to support the cost of producing and distributing this newsletter.  I also am grateful to those who have sent me their data for the Aging and Supplement Study to see if we can figure a correlation between supplement choices and longevity. The 1,140 readers of my newsletter are increasing about 1 per day.  Everyone’s support inspires me to spend as much time and effort as I can to spread the word about how wonderful it is to learn about nutrition, to encourage ourselves and others to make informed choices to extend healthspan, and to realize that being kind to others is being  kind to ourselves.  May all who read this be grateful to themselves for taking the time to be kind.

